Neck Pain Relief

Find Shoulder and Neck Pain Relief

You may struggle to participate in day-to-day activities if you suffer from neck or shoulder pain. Instead of worrying about your pain, why don't you learn how to alleviate it? Our goal at Bird Chiropractic is to show you how to manage your pain so that it no longer controls you. Here's how you can find shoulder and neck pain relief with chiropractic and stretching exercises.

Avoid Neck and Back Pain This Halloween

Our Halloween preparations are in full swing as October draws to a close. Even though children in costumes and tasty seasonal food seem delightful, trick-or-treating and decorating can make Halloween a nightmare. Fear not! Check out these tips to avoid back and neck pain so you can haunt the night away!

Let's Talk About Text Neck

In today’s world, we are constantly using technology and it’s only increased as we spend more time social distancing. And so, a new phenomenon has emerged: text neck. Text neck, or tech neck, is a condition that affects the placement and alignment of the neck and comes with some serious health risks. Here’s what you need to know.