Find Shoulder and Neck Pain Relief

You may struggle to participate in day-to-day activities if you suffer from neck or shoulder pain. Instead of worrying about your pain, why don't you learn how to alleviate it? Our goal at Bird Chiropractic is to show you how to manage your pain so that it no longer controls you. Here's how you can find shoulder and neck pain relief with chiropractic and stretching exercises.

Chiropractic Adjustments for Shoulder and Neck Pain Relief

When it comes to relieving shoulder or neck pain, an alignment is one of the most effective ways to do so. Our chiropractors can fix the problem of an out-of-alignment spine or joint subluxation, and often the pain caused by it will go away. Once your spine is realigned, and any subluxations are fixed, your biggest concern is preventing them from returning. We can do this by teaching exercises to ease your pain and strengthen the muscles around the joint. This will prevent them from coming out of alignment. Additionally, we can schedule regular visits to ensure the pain does not return. The benefits of regular chiropractic adjustments can be seen in various ways. Such as feeling stronger, experiencing fewer aches and pains, and even getting an immune system boost.

Stretching Exercises for Shoulder and Neck Pain Relief

Learning different stretching exercises for the area is another excellent way to alleviate neck and shoulder pain. Just like physical therapy, we will teach you various exercises that can assist in shoulder and neck pain relief. To gain the most benefit from these simple exercises, they should be performed regularly. You should notice significant pain relief as soon as you incorporate the exercises into your daily routine.

Find Pain Relief at Bird Chiropractic

Shoulder and neck pain shouldn't control your life. So rather than putting up with discomfort, get the relief you deserve. Bird Chiropractic is the place to go when you're looking for a top-notch New Jersey chiropractor. We're here to ease your neck and shoulder pain and show you stretching exercises to help prevent it in the future⁠—schedule an appointment today!