The Benefits of Yoga and Chiropractic Care

The benefits of yoga and chiropractic have become well-known over the past decade. Physically and mentally, both benefit overall health and have plenty in common! However, when they are combined, patients reap even more benefits. Find out how chiropractic can be combined with yoga for back pain relief. 

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga for Relaxing

Stretching and elongating the body releases tension and stress built up in the muscles. Doing yoga before a chiropractic adjustment will warm up your body and clear your mind, allowing you to relax better. Since your body will be relaxed when you arrive, our chiropractors can begin treatment immediately.

Yoga for Pain Relief

You can use yoga to relieve pain and other chronic conditions, such as knee pain, lower back pain, neck pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Yoga helps balance the body, similarly to chiropractic care. As a result of building strength, releasing muscle tension, fortifying bones and joints, and improving flexibility, balance can be improved, and pain can be relieved.

Yoga Strengthens the Joints & Limbs

Typically, most people exercise by targeting major muscle groups. The practice of yoga strengthens every muscle in the body, including muscles you didn't even know you had! A more balanced body can be achieved by strengthening smaller muscles, so the larger muscles don't have to work as hard. It can shorten the recovery time for injured individuals and prevent injuries in the future. Yoga helps to strengthen your body from head to toe, making chiropractic care more effective. Strengthening your body can make it more responsive to chiropractic care than a stiff, sore, and uneven one.

Yoga for Back Pain

Yoga poses must be held for a long time, allowing muscles that don't get used daily to be regularly exercised. Your back muscles are strengthened by yoga, which reduces the symptoms of chronic neck and low back pain and other conditions caused by pressure on the spine. Additionally, the tension in the nervous system can cause a lot of back pain. Because yoga relaxes your body, it is beneficial for your mental and physical health. The result is a relief of any excess tension that may contribute to back pain. In a similar way to chiropractic adjustments and massages, yoga poses can assist you in realigning your skeletal structure. You can also use yoga for back pain to stabilize the spine and ensure the muscles supporting your back are working correctly. In other words, performing poses regularly can reduce the risk of injuries and painful conditions that can interfere with your quality of life.

Learn About Your Body With Yoga & Bird Chiropractic

It's no secret that chiropractors and yoga teachers are experts on how the body works, and you can benefit from that knowledge. Good posture and a healthy functioning body will help you live a longer, more fulfilling life. Click here to schedule an appointment with your local Voorhees chiropractor if you're ready to enjoy the benefits of yoga and chiropractic care.