Why Spinal Health Is Essential

People don't realize how vital spine health is until it's gone. The spine is the core of the skeleton, which is the core of our bodies. There are several functions of the spine and spinal problems, such as subluxations, can affect those functions and other parts of the body that depend on the spine. Discover why spinal health is essential to your overall wellness.

Functions of the Spine

Support – The spine holds up the torso and shifts the weight to the pelvis, hips, and legs. It supports muscles, internal organs, and the ribcage.

Stability – As an articulated structure with powerful postural muscles, the spine can provide stable support even when the limbs are active: a fixed structure may remain stable in one position, but an articulated one can adapt to changes in position.

Shock absorption – The curve in the spine and the intervertebral discs act like springs that allow us to run and walk without immediate injury. The loss of elasticity of the discs that results from poor posture, excessive sitting, or degenerative disc disease may cause us to need spinal care as we age. 

Neurological integrity – The spinal column has an arch of hollow bone. Properly aligned vertebrae create a flexible but protected channel for the spinal cord and nerve roots. All neurological signals pass through this bony canal from the brain to the body (except the cranial nerves). Nerves power our muscles - but nerves going to and from the spine also play an essential role in the body's ability to perceive the environment and react appropriately. This includes the body's ability to sense and regulate internal processes such as blood flow, breathing, bladder and bowel activity.

Chiropractic for Spinal Health

Chiropractors correct vertebral subluxations by mobilizing them or correcting their alignment to restore spinal health. Such techniques are referred to as spinal manipulations or adjustments. As a result of an adjustment, the vertebrae are returned to the correct position. Adjustments aid the body in healing and maintaining spinal function.

If you are experiencing joint pain or diminishing function of the spine, schedule an appointment with Bird Chiropractic. We are your first and best choice for chiropractic health in Voorhees, New Jersey. Take control of your spinal health today with chiropractic care!