Avoid Neck and Back Pain This Halloween

Our Halloween preparations are in full swing as October draws to a close. Even though children in costumes and tasty seasonal food seem delightful, trick-or-treating and decorating can make Halloween a nightmare. Fear not! Check out these tips to avoid back and neck pain so you can haunt the night away!

1. Avoid Excessive Decor

Decorating every corner of the house can cause back pain and strain the neck. Instead of putting ghosts, spiderwebs, and lights on the roof, utilize your 'little monsters' to help you decorate the porch!

2. Lift With Your Legs

Although pumpkins come in a variety of sizes, we always seem to want the biggest one! Pick up the pumpkin using your legs while avoiding twisting your spine. If you need help, ask someone so you do not self inflict back pain.

3. Be Prepared

Decorating for Halloween and putting together costumes involves a lot of effort. Be sure to plan what you want to achieve, what stores you must visit, and any help you need in order to accomplish all of your tasks! Giving yourself a few extra days can ease the strain on your back and prevent last-minute anxiety.

4. Get A Practical Costume

Despite the many costumes available, they are not necessarily beneficial to you. Make sure the costume you choose is lightweight and comfortable so you do not put unnecessary pressure on the spine. You'll also need to wear appropriate shoes with good grip and support the whole night.

5. No Shoulder Rides

The long night of Halloween can be difficult for kids, but trying to bear their burdens by putting them on your shoulders will hurt you in the end! Don't carry your children and put a strain on your back or cause neck pain. Instead, plan an achievable route that allows your kids to remain energetic throughout trick-or-treating and all the way back home.

6. Don’t Be A Couch Potato

Try a scary movie marathon if that's more your speed, but be sure you aren’t sedentary on the couch for too long. In between movies, remember to walk around and stretch while you get more popcorn.

If the thought of carrying around a large haul of candy makes you ache, set up an appointment at your local Voorhees chiropractor. Bird Chiropractic is here to help you have a frightfully fun and pain-free Halloween!