Health and Wellness

Can a Chiropractor Help With Arthritis?

The common misconception is that chiropractic care can only be beneficial to those injured in car accidents or through athletics. However, chiropractic treatment can be effective for many medical conditions and illnesses other than those caused by physical injury. So, can a chiropractor help with arthritis? The answer—Yes! Learn how chiropractic care provides pain relief for arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis.

Work From Home Daily Stretching Routine

If you work from home, you should have a daily stretching routine. Stretching helps you stay flexible and is beneficial for your health. When you experience stiffness from sitting at a desk too long, take a brief stretch break to alleviate your discomfort. Check out these stretches you can do at your desk for tight muscle relief.

The Benefits of Yoga and Chiropractic Care

The benefits of yoga and chiropractic have become well-known over the past decade. Physically and mentally, both benefit overall health and have plenty in common! However, when they are combined, patients reap even more benefits. Find out how chiropractic can be combined with yoga for back pain relief.

Chiropractic for Stress and Anxiety Relief

During Stress Awareness Month, consider chiropractic for stress and anxiety relief. Since life is filled with constant stressors, stress is unavoidable. There's always something going on, whether it's school, work, or taking care of the kids. However, there are many things you can do to relieve stress and anxiety naturally. Explore how chiropractic can provide natural stress relief.

Spring Health and Wellness Routine

Winter is winding down, so it is time to prepare for spring health! Warm weather, the smell of spring, and a fresh start are all things that come to mind as the sun shines and the weather improves. But, one of the biggest things we forget to consider is how to make the transition from winter to spring safely. By taking extra care and focusing on health, you will enjoy springtime fun injury-free. So, create a wellness routine that gets you moving as the weather warms up.

How to Improve Balance With Chiropractic

Most people are more concerned with staying healthy and fit than maintaining balance and coordination. However, these abilities are needed to complete the daily tasks we take for granted. Balance plays an important role in our overall health. Discover how to improve your balance and coordination by maintaining proper spinal health.

The Importance and Benefits of Good Posture

When you were a kid you heard it, and now your chiropractor is telling you, "Stop slouching!" You are never too old to be reminded that there are numerous benefits of good posture to your overall health. Here is why you need to stop slouching and correct your bad posture.

When to Use Ice vs. Heat for Injuries

Using heat and ice as therapy is an effective way to manage pain after an injury. However, many people are confused about when to use ice vs heat for injuries. The use of cold and heat therapy helps decrease inflammation and reduce pain. If you want to make these therapies work, you must know how to use them appropriately to treat injuries.

Chiropractic Can Improve Your Mental Health

Many people visit chiropractors for their physical well-being, but studies show chiropractic can also improve patients' mental health. Chiropractors work on the nervous system by correcting misaligned spines and clearing blocked pathways to treat symptoms of nerve impingement. Learn more about how chiropractic can boost your mood and how it may help overcome anxiety and depression.