The Best Daily Stretching Routine

A daily stretching routine in the morning can help you start your day off right. Injury prevention begins with warming up in the morning. You will move better throughout the day if you stretch in the morning. Your muscles will become accustomed to moving and will support your joint movement. While stretching is beneficial anytime, you can benefit from tackling problem areas early in the day. Get pain relief that lasts all day with these stretches for beginners.

Daily Stretching Routine for Beginners

Chest Stretch

Those who spend their days at their desks need this morning stretch. You can experience neck and upper back pain from sitting all day long. When performing this stretch, it will open your chest and stretch those tight areas caused by sitting all day.

For this chest stretch, you can start by standing in a door frame while forming a T shape with your arms, pushing against a wall with your hands and arms, and leaning through the door frame. The stretch should be held for 10-15 seconds, then repeated as necessary.

Hip Flexor Stretch

If you work in an office or job requiring you to sit all day, this is a feel-good stretch focusing on your hip flexors. After sitting for a long time, muscles become tight. This exercise helps relieve that tension.

Hold onto a chair for balance and bring your ankle to your glute while grabbing the ankle behind your thigh. Next, push your hip forward slightly on that side to stretch the front of your hip. The stretch should be held for 10-15 seconds, then repeated on the opposite side.

Calf Stretch

If you spend much time standing during the day, you can find foot pain relief by stretching the calf. Similarly, wearing shoes without much support may also be a good choice for you.

Make sure your heel is on the ground, and the ball of your foot is against the wall. Then, try leaning forward to feel the stretch on that side of your calf. The stretch should be held for 5-10 seconds, then repeated on the opposite leg.

Combine A Daily Stretching Routine With Chiropractic Care

There are many ways in which stretching can benefit your health and wellbeing. Combined with chiropractic adjustments, pain relief stretches improve patients' recovery time, reduce pain, and increase energy. If you'd like more stretches for beginners that suit your needs, ask your local Voorhees chiropractor during your next adjustment. Contact Bird Chiropractic for an appointment today!