Practicing Self-Care After Work

When you have so much on your plate between your job (or jobs) and other everyday responsibilities, it can seem like an inconvenience to make time for the most important thing: yourself. Practicing self-care after work is a habit that’s well worth the time and effort, and it can result in less stress and pain and better health overall.

The Best Daily Stretching Routine

A daily stretching routine in the morning can help you start your day off right. Injury prevention begins with warming up in the morning. You will move better throughout the day if you stretch in the morning. Your muscles will become accustomed to moving and will support your joint movement. While stretching is beneficial anytime, you can benefit from tackling problem areas early in the day. Get pain relief that lasts all day with these stretches for beginners.

The Benefits of Chiropractic for Athletes

It is common for athletes to suffer sports injuries because they put their bodies through more than usual. Prescription drugs slow down reaction times, are addictive, and can only mask the pain of injuries. In contrast, undergoing surgery can leave an athlete sidelined for several months. As a result, many athletes seek chiropractic treatment after suffering a sports injury. Here's how chiropractic for athletes can improve athletic performance and prevent injuries.

Find Shoulder and Neck Pain Relief

You may struggle to participate in day-to-day activities if you suffer from neck or shoulder pain. Instead of worrying about your pain, why don't you learn how to alleviate it? Our goal at Bird Chiropractic is to show you how to manage your pain so that it no longer controls you. Here's how you can find shoulder and neck pain relief with chiropractic and stretching exercises.

Swimmer's Shoulder? Try Chiropractic!

Swimming involves a lot of endurance and repetition, making it a physically demanding sport. Despite being considered a low-impact sport, swimming involves repetitive motions that can cause inflammation of the joints, muscles, tendons, and biceps - also known as swimmer's shoulder. Discover how chiropractic care can help you recover from shoulder pain and other swimming-related injuries like sore bicep tendons.

Get a Back-to-School Immune System Boost

The spine controls the entire body, including the immune system. So as the school season arrives, it's essential to take proper care of it so you can be as healthy as possible. An immune system boost is the best way to fight back-to-school germs. Discover how to boost your immune system through spinal alignment.

Routine Chiropractic Care for Summertime

We're not quite done with summer yet! It's all about the sun, beaches, long drives, and just lounging during summer. However, due to those summer activities, our bodies need a little extra support to keep us in good health. Fortunately, routine chiropractic care boosts your overall health and wellness. Learn how to stay healthy in the summer by visiting your local chiropractor!