Keep Running in Cold Weather: Our Winter Running Tips

Winter may seem like the time to trade in runs and hikes for hot yoga and treadmills, but recent trends show more people than ever will be enjoying their exercise outdoors this year. If you’re lacing up your running shoes to enjoy the benefits of running, here are our winter running tips. 

Winter Running Woes

When the temperatures drop and the wind howls, the last thing you want to do is head outside to go running. But, if approached the right way, running outside in winter doesn’t have to be miserable. Wearing the right gear, warming up properly, and preparing physically and mentally make a huge difference. Running in the cold may actually feel easier, keep your metabolism going strong, boost your mood, and help you reach your weight loss goals.

Tip 1: Bring Up Your Body Heat at Home

Don’t wait until you’re outside in the cold to get warmed up. Raise your core temperature before you hit the cold air. Focus on your ankles, calves, and glutes with dynamic stretches like calf raises and lunges.

Tips 2: Make Your Feet the Focus

The parts of your body that are farthest from your heart are going to be the first to get cold. Before you lace up your running shoes, roll your feet over a ball (massage ball, tennis ball, etc.) to ensure that all the small muscles in your toes and soles are awake and ready to run.

Tip 3: Plan Out Pit Stops

If temperatures are particularly cold, don’t be afraid to plan for a few pit stops. If you need to pop in for a few minutes and warm-up, you’ll want to be sure there is a coffee shop or grocery store along your route. Make it a loop you can repeat instead of an out-and-back and keep it close to home just in case.

Tip 4: Save Your Sprints for the End

When your legs are feeling fresh, it’s tempting to fly out the door. But save your speed work until the end of your run to ensure your muscles are fully firing. If your body isn’t fully warmed up, you have a higher risk of injury or strain.

Tip 5: Get Adjusted at Bird Chiropractic

Running, though an excellent form of exercise with many benefits, can also take a toll on the body. Regular chiropractic adjustments keep everything in proper alignment, so your body is functioning optimally for a better run. Additionally, chiropractic care can relieve pain and treat injuries related to running or overuse. With regular care, healing to muscles and ligaments happens quickly so pain is decreased and the risk of injury happening again is reduced. 

Whether you are an experienced runner or just getting started as part of your New Year’s Resolution, Dr. Brandon Bird can help on your journey to true health and wellness. Bird Chiropractic is committed to providing you with better, natural healthcare by teaching the true principles of chiropractic and wellness care. To schedule an appointment with your local Voorhees, NJ chiropractor, just click here!