Work From Home Daily Stretching Routine

If you work from home, you should have a daily stretching routine. Stretching helps you stay flexible and is beneficial for your health. When you experience stiffness from sitting at a desk too long, take a brief stretch break to alleviate your discomfort. Check out these stretches you can do at your desk for tight muscle relief.

Is it Important to Take Breaks Often?

Experts say you should stand up at least 40 times in an eight-hour workday. Even though it seems like a lot, each break only needs to last a few minutes to mitigate the negative impact of sitting. A great way to work standing breaks into your routine is to stand up while on the phone.

Daily Stretching Routine You Can Do at Your Desk

Doing an entire daily stretching routine in addition to breaks would be ideal. However, if that's not possible, stretches you can do at your desk are also an effective solution. Try these to get started:

Neck Stretch

In a seated position, relax and gently move your neck forward. This is your starting position. Next, slowly roll your head to the right and hold it for 10 seconds. Return to your starting position and repeat it to the left side. Complete the sequence three times.

Shoulder Stretch

While seated, extend your arms straight ahead. Gently pull your opposite arm closer to your chest until you feel a slight stretch in your shoulders. Hold this position for thirty seconds and then repeat with the other arm.

Torso Stretch

Place your arms across your chest while seated. As far left as you can, comfortably rotate your upper body from the waist. Hold this position for 10 seconds, return to the center, and repeat to the right side.

Hip Stretch

Cross your left ankle across your right thigh while seated. Then flex your left foot until you feel a stretch in your left hip and glute. Lean forward if you don't feel the stretch, hold for thirty seconds, and repeat on the other side.

Bird Chiropractic Can Help With Tight Muscle Relief

At Bird Chiropractic, we understand the importance of stretching, maintaining flexibility, and its contribution to overall spinal wellness. For those suffering from limited mobility or who find stretching difficult, we can help. In our office, we can conduct a thorough evaluation and design a treatment plan that is right for you to aid in tight muscle relief and increased mobility. Contact us today to learn more!