Show Your Spine Love


Valentine’s Day is almost here and you may be thinking of treating your special someone, but don’t forget about treating your spine! There are many ways to practice self-care and taking care of your spine is one of them, including stretching, exercise, and weight management. Here are our tips to show your spine some love this Valentine’s Day to help relieve back pain.


Stretching is a great way to take some time to focus on yourself and give your spine some TLC. Stretching can also provide pain relief as it reduces tension in the muscles that support the spine. It also promotes flexibility, mobility, and better range of motion while reducing the risk of disability caused by back pain. For specific stretching suggestions that will benefit you, just ask during your next adjustment.

Exercise & Weight Management

If regular exercise isn’t a part of your regular routine, it’s time to make a change. Exercise can help relieve back pain by reducing stiffness and keeping connective fibers of ligaments flexible. It can also promote a healthier spine, which is essential for your central nervous system. 

With exercise comes weight management. If you suffer from back pain, excess weight may be the culprit. Extra weight can pull your pelvis forward causing the spine to become tilted and leading to an unnatural curvature. Weight-related risks can damage the spinal discs and structures and put unnecessary strain on the spine. Exercise and weight management can help relieve back pain and prevent it from returning.

Chiropractic Adjustments at your Local Voorhees, NJ Chiropractor

Chiropractic care is well-known for treating back and neck pain. If you are suffering from an aching back, your local Voorhees, NJ chiropractor can help. Here at Bird Chiropractic, our doctors are experts in returning the spine to proper alignment and removing subluxations to increase mobility and relieve pain. If you are ready to experience the many benefits of chiropractic care, click here to request an appointment.