Healthy Halloween Treats to Try in 2022

When people think of Halloween, candy is usually one of the first things that come to mind. If you want to start establishing smarter eating habits ahead of the holiday season and avoid the trap of gorging on sugar sweets, healthy Halloween treats can come in handy. Candy alternatives, savory snacks like pumpkin seeds, and other options can all help you scare off sugar cravings this Halloween. 

Smarter Sweets 

Not all candies are created equal. Today, you can find low-sugar, organic, and keto-friendly sweets that satisfy your cravings with less baggage. While you’ll have a hard time finding candy alternatives that are completely guilt-free, you can be smarter about how you indulge. Moderation is the key to healthier eating habits.

Dark chocolate is a delicious source of antioxidants, minerals, and fiber and can have positive effects on blood pressure and cholesterol. It’s also versatile—you can enjoy it on its own, melt it down and dip fruit in it, or make it an ingredient in healthy oatmeal cookies. This makes it a great option for healthy Halloween treats to serve your kids and party guests. 

Save the Pumpkin for Snacking

Now that you know how to safely carve a jack-o’-lantern, you may want to think about how you’ll put that pumpkin to good use. The seeds left over after you hollow out your gourd can make for a delicious treat. If you want a healthy snack, roasted or baked pumpkin seeds are tasty and packed with vitamins and minerals. Play into that roasty flavor with light olive oil and salt or coat baked seeds with organic honey and cinnamon. The approach is up to you, and the results are delectable. 

The flesh of the pumpkin is a great source of nutrition and flexible for use in different dishes. Pumpkin puree can be used in flourless brownies, which are lower in carbohydrates and gluten-free. You can also turn it into a great party snack by making your own pumpkin fries. Pumpkin fries have a similar taste to sweet potato fries, and they take well to seasoning. A popular approach is to toss the fries in extra virgin olive oil and spices like cayenne, then bake them in the oven or air fryer. 

Treat Yourself to Chiropractic Care in Voorhees, NJ

Exploring healthy Halloween treats and candy alternatives can be a catalyst for positive change. Establishing better eating habits is just one step in achieving your wellness goals. Schedule an appointment with Bird Chiropractic in Voorhees, NJ, and see how treating yourself to chiropractic care can do the trick when it comes to scaring off pain.