Prevent Dehydration this Summer


Now that summer is here, we’re all heading back outside and we’re taking our families with us. While outside, most people know that the key to staying out longer and having more fun is staying hydrated. But sometimes it can be hard to separate fun from a dangerous situation. So, to better serve you, we’ve picked some ways to identify and prevent dehydration in you and your family. 

Identifying Dehydration Symptoms This Summer

Dehydration can be caused by different sources, but the most common one is excess time in the sun, doing strenuous activity. It happens as a natural response to your body losing more water than it is being given. Dehydration symptoms are most commonly identified by having a dry mouth to start. Since the body has a habit of shutting down things it thinks we don’t currently need, it stops producing saliva as a first step to saving water. The next steps can include any combination of stopping sweat production, weakness, lightheadedness, heart palpitations, or muscle cramps. Dehydration symptoms can come on quickly, so it is essential to pay attention to your body when the heat is high. 

How to Prevent Dehydration

Paying attention to what your body is asking for is a great way to prevent getting overly dehydrated. As a rule this summer, ensure that you and the members of your family leave the house with their own water bottles filled to the top. The more time that is spent outside will trigger thirst more readily than when inside. If you already have water on you, that’s a great start to combating dehydration and its symptoms. Further, make sure that everyone is consistently sipping their water throughout the time you’re outside or exploring. You should aim for never feeling thirsty because of how consistently you’re replacing the missing water. 

Bird Chiropractic is the best natural health solution in Voorhees, New Jersey. If you’d like more tips on how to prevent dehydration or ensure your body stays healthy this summer, contact us.