Chiropractic Traveling Tips

Are you planning to travel during the holidays? This year millions of people will travel hundreds of miles to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with their families. While you make your way to your final destination, it is essential to remember that holiday traveling can cause your body to get tense and ache. So check out our traveling and stretching tips to loosen you up!

Don't Forget the Snacks

There may be few healthy food options available while traveling during the holiday season. However, you shouldn't rely on the fast-food options along the highway if you want to keep your diet on track. Instead, bring snacks from home. You can control what you eat if you pack your snacks. Some healthy snack ideas are fruits, vegetables, bite-sized protein balls, and even homemade wraps.  

Stay Hydrated

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you must drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Traveling can put a strain on the digestive system. Drinking enough water will keep your bowels functioning properly rather than having them feel fatigued. The usual recommendation is that you drink half your body weight in ounces each day. Just remember, you will need to make plenty of pit stops when traveling if you drink plenty of water.  

Make Pit Stops

As you travel this holiday season, it is vital to take the time to exercise. For example, if you stop to use the restroom, you might want to take a few minutes to walk around and stretch your legs. Stretching your legs can help release tension throughout your body. Some stretching tips are to perform calf raises, shoulder rolls and stretching you arms above your head to get your blood flowing. Make sure that you plan plenty of time to stop along the way before you start driving to your holiday destination.

Get Adjusted

Getting an adjustment before you leave helps alleviate previous muscle pain and mitigates the pain you would have experienced during your travels. In many cases, people often forget to switch positions while traveling, or they don't have the opportunity to due to limited space. Because of these limitations, we often experience sitting pain while traveling. You can, however, avoid this sitting pain by getting an adjustment before you leave to ensure your spine is in proper alignment. Furthermore, the toxins built up along your spine and joints will be eliminated, leaving you feeling rejuvenated before your trip. 
Maintaining your health during holiday travel should be the number one priority. For more traveling and stretching tips, contact your local Voorhees chiropractor — Bird Chiropractic.