Can Good Posture Improve Your Mood?


By now you’ve probably heard that sitting too much can be harmful to your health, mainly because the lack of movement can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. To make matters worse, sitting in a slouched position all day can impact your mental well-being. Yep, that’s right. Poor posture can lead to a bad mood and make you feel more stressed and depressed. Here are a few ways proper posture will improve your emotional well-being.

Increased Energy and Happiness

If maintained for a long period of time, a slumped posture puts unnecessary stress on the spine which can make you feel heavy and achy, which translates into feeling tired and irritable. The Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry even did a study that found patients with mild to moderate depression felt more alert after keeping their back and shoulders upright while sitting and even reported less anxiety...all from changing their posture! Shifting to an upright position can help you enjoy an increased outlook and energy.

Confidence Boost

When you want to project yourself as a confident and comfortable person (like before a big presentation or job interview), your stance is important. When you carry yourself with your shoulders back, spine aligned, and abdomen in, you portray a certain demeanor. The opposite is also true — think about a sullen teenager with slouched posture and how apathetic they seem.

Proper posture doesn’t just make you look more confident, it actually helps you feel more confident. Studies have shown that when people feel stressed or in a negative mindset, proper posture helped boost their self-esteem.

Improve Your Posture with Bird Chiropractic

There are a few steps you can take to help improve your posture from paying attention to how you sit and stand and making sure your work setup is ergonomic and comfortable. To ensure your spine is in proper alignment and to help maintain great posture, get adjusted at your local Voorhees chiropractor. After all, you don’t want to let a misaligned spine stop you from feeling your best! To get started, just click here to contact us.