The Health Benefits of Yoga & Chiropractic


In the past decade, there has been an increase in popularity for both chiropractic care and yoga. Both have many health benefits — physically and mentally — and have a lot in common, too! When done together, patients enjoy an added reward. Here’s how the two complement each other.

Yoga for Pain Relief

Whether it’s for knee pain, lower back pain, neck pain, or carpal tunnel syndrome, yoga can help relieve pain and other chronic conditions. Like chiropractic care, yoga aims to help balance the body. By focusing on building strength, releasing muscle tension, bolstering joints and bones, and improving flexibility, balance can be restored thus alleviating pain.

Yoga for Healing

Because yoga poses stretch and elongate the body, they release built-up tension and stress. Practicing yoga before a chiropractic adjustment helps warm up the body and clear the mind, making you more relaxed. This means our chiropractors can get straight to treating your body as it will be relaxed upon arrival.

Yoga Increases Joint & Ligament Strength

When people exercise, they usually focus on major muscle groups. Yoga focuses on all the muscles in the body, even the small ones you didn’t even know existed! Improving strength in small muscles means the larger muscles don’t have to work as hard for a more balanced body. This can help prevent injury and lessen recovery time for those who are injured. Yoga promotes strength from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, making the body more able to receive chiropractic care. When your body is strong, it can better respond to chiropractic care than a stiff, sore, and uneven one.

Yoga & Chiropractic Teach You About Your Body

Both chiropractors and yoga teachers know a lot about how your body works, and you should, too! An awareness of good posture and overall body function can help you live a healthier life. If you are ready to start your journey to a healthier body, click here to contact your local Voorhees chiropractor and schedule an appointment.