Benefits of Chiropractic for New Moms

Motherhood can take a toll on your body. It is common for moms to suffer from muscle aches, headaches, and lower back pain due to lifting and carrying their children throughout the day. Learn how chiropractic can benefit new moms by reducing lower back pain and preventing muscle strain.

New Mom Pains

If you don't give your body the same love and care as you give to your newborn, you can put a lot of stress on it. Moms often experience muscle strain, injury, or discomfort from the following activities:

  • Poor posture while nursing or bottle-feeding

  • Carrying car seats and infant carriers

  • Toting your ever-growing baby around

  • Picking them up out of the car seat, bath, stroller, etc.

In addition, there may be a few things you're not doing that can further harm your health:

A chiropractor may be able to help if any of the scenarios above apply to you.

How to Avoid Lower Back Pain and Muscle Strains

You should hold your child in a way that benefits both of you. Engage your largest muscles to handle the additional weight by positioning your child as close to your spine. Most women hold their children on their side while the child wraps their legs around them and using their biceps to support them. This position allows you to keep your shoulders open and reduces strain on your neck. You will be able to breathe better, which will enable you to get more oxygen to your muscles. Keep the palm of your hand facing up, and you will increase blood circulation throughout your arm. In addition to reducing the load on your body, this carrying position can improve your child's posture.

Benefits of Chiropractic for New Moms

Almost everyone suffers from chronic back pain at some time in their lives. Chiropractic care focuses on the underlying causes of pain instead of relieving pain with pain relievers and muscle relaxants. In addition, seeing a chiropractor regularly will help keep your spine in proper alignment and allow you to be the best version of yourself. So make an appointment with Bird Chiropractic if you're ready to feel like a super mom!