Back to School Reminders for Parents: Health Tips to Fight Germs.


As students head back to school, their exposure to germs increases exponentially. As parents, you may be wondering how to keep them safe and healthy during this new school year. You may not be able to completely prevent the spread of  germs so here are some back to school health tips to stay safe:

Exhibit proper handwashing habits.

Like many adults, kids are busybodies and they do not like to take much time away from playing with friends to do mundane activities such as washing their hands. So to combat that, make it a habit by exhibiting proper handwashing habits at home. Wash your hands before sitting down for family meals, after coughing or sneezing, and after coming inside the house. 

Teach your children about germs, specifically school germs. 

Germs can thrive on many surfaces, especially within a school where other children are constantly touching desks and doorknobs. It’s best to teach your kids that in the event of touching a shared space, they should avoid touching their face and immediately wash their hands. 

Sick days are important, so know when to take one.

Fever, coughing, congestion — these are all symptoms of being sick and a sign to keep your child home. It is always best to consult with a doctor to see if they are OK to return to school. 

Back to school health starts at home.

Build your child’s (and yours!) immune system by establishing a healthy lifestyle at home. This can be easily brought into your home by implementing a regular sleeping schedule of 7 to 9 hours, a healthy diet rich in fruits and veggies, and plenty of exercise, like playing outside. 

Get adjusted at Bird Chiropractic 

At Bird Chiropractic, we are proud to provide care for people of all ages, including kids. Regular adjustments can help your child’s body work optimally, which in return can boost their immune system. To learn more about how Bird Chiropractic can benefit your child, click here to request an appointment at your local Voorhees, NJ chiropractor.