Is Chiropractic on Your Back to School List?

Now that we are in back to school season, you’ve probably found yourself with a lot of things to do. There are teachers to meet, a year to prepare for and figuring out in-class vs. remote learning. Along with all that planning and shopping, don’t forget to add chiropractic care to your list. Here’s how chiropractic can help you and your family start the school year off right.

A New School Year is Stressful

Summer is a season to kick back and relax. Whether you’re a parent, student, or teacher, it can be difficult to get back in the swing of things when it’s time to go back to school. For kids, going back to school can be stressful. All those new class jitters can be challenging emotionally, as well as heavy backpacks, sports, and exposure to germs. That’s why it is more important than ever to give your children ever advantage to start the school year off strong.

Don’t Let Backpacks Be Backbreaking

If your child is going back to the classroom, they probably want the coolest backpack, but backpack choices should be made with health in mind, not trends. Make sure that no matter how cool the backpack it is, it has padded and wide ergonomic straps to help lighten the load. It should also be made of durable material with additional padding on the back to help cushion where it will rest against the spine.

How the backpack is packed should also be considered. Make sure the heaviest items are packed closest to the body with lighter items farther away. The weight of the backpack should never exceed 10% of your child’s total body weight, either. How your child wears their backpack is also important. Both straps should be worn to help balance the weight and the backpack should fit snugly against your child’s back. Additionally, the backpack shouldn’t hit below the waist.

Get Adjusted at Bird Chiropractic

At Bird Chiropractic, we provide care for people of all ages, including kids. With regular adjustments, you can help your child’s body work optimally, which can help them stay strong and boost their immune system. To learn more about how your local Voorhes, NJ chiropractor can help, click here to contact us.