Can Chiropractic Improve the Circulatory System?

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Movement is an important part of life and is the foundation of how your mind and body function. To be the healthiest version of yourself, you have to promote movement. One body system that most obviously needs movement is your circulatory system. But what does blood circulation have to do with chiropractic?

The Chiropractic Approach

Chiropractic is a natural approach to treating the root cause of the problem, not just symptoms. If you are struggling with poor circulation, chiropractic adjustments may be able to help as they treat the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS impacts every other system in the body and when it functions optimally, so does the rest of the body. The spine is literally the backbone of your body’s vascular system, so treatment that begins with the spine is often an effective way to treat problems with blood flow.

Poor Circulation

As its own condition, poor blood circulation can have negative effects on your overall health and wellness including cold and tingly hands and feet, chronic nausea, dizziness, and decreased concentration. If you can’t seem to get your fingers and toes warm or your hands and feet are constantly numb, chiropractic may be able to help whether poor circulation is its own condition or caused by underlying health concerns.

For some of our patients, spinal subluxations are responsible for the reduced blood flow. Chiropractic adjustments remove these subluxations which can improve circulatory system function and improve flexibility and mobility, among many other benefits.

If you are feeling numbness, tingling, or coldness in your extremities, there may be a blockage at some point along your cardiovascular system. Chiropractic treatments begin at the spine and move outward, realigning and manipulating muscles and bones to help improve blood flow. Along with adjustments, Dr. Brandon Bird can suggest exercises and stretches that will further promote improved circulation.

Pay Close Attention to Circulation

Cold feet and tingling may not seem like the most pressing healthcare issue right now, but they can be indicators of issues with the circulatory system that shouldn’t be ignored. If poor circulation is a concern of yours, bring it up during your next adjustment.

To learn more about how chiropractic can help improve your overall health and wellness, click here to contact your local Voorhees, NJ chiropractor.