Maintain Your Mobility with Chiropractic

Being able to move without pain or stiffness is necessary for a high quality of life. Maintaining good mobility is possible, but it won’t happen without a conscious effort to keep every tendon, ligament, muscle, and joint in tip-top shape.

Causes Behind Loss of Mobility

For many patients at Bird Chiropractic with severe low back pain, they report a sudden onslaught of pain when performing a simple task like picking up an item off the floor or even sneezing. This type of lower back pain can happen to a patient in their 30s just as quickly as a person in their 80s. So what do the 30-year-old patient and the 80-year-old patient have in common? Lack of joint mobility.

How To Maintain Adequate Mobility

A routine that focuses on developing good posture, balance, strength, and good mobility is necessary for a high quality of life. Performing specific exercises and stretches (which we are happy to recommend) will keep tendons, ligaments, and muscles flexible and strong. Stretching can help joints move correctly and chiropractic adjustments are also beneficial.

For the majority of patients with lower back pain, the joints become “locked up”, which decreases their mobility to the point of immobility. This is simply no way to live. This type of immobility is not limited to senior citizens. Patients in their 30s who haven’t maintained a regular exercise and stretching routine are more prone to loss of mobility than a person in their 70s who exercises and stretches regularly.

How Bird Chiropractic Can Help

If the joints don’t move fluidly, other parts of the body will have to overcompensate. This puts unnecessary stress on those areas which lead to inflammation and pain. Additionally, the area that is not moving normally will worsen due to the muscles in the area tightening which causes the ligaments and tendons to shorten and the joints to stick together. If not stretched, exercised, and moved regularly, the body will continue to stiffen until even the slightest movement causes pain. A chiropractor can help a person by loosening up their joints and returning the spine to proper alignment.

If you are suffering from pain and immobility, click here to contact your local Voorhees Township, NJ chiropractor. Dr. Brandon Bird’s years of experience providing safe, gentle, and effective chiropractic care can help you on your path to true health.