Say Goodbye to Summer Pains with Chiropractic

Summer is a favorite season for most people, but it is also one that can be filled with pain. From sports to gardening to swimming, all the outdoor activities can result in injuries that end in pain and discomfort. These issues may be the result of poor technique, poor posture, or simply pushing your body to the limit. When summertime pain comes around, Bird Chiropractic can help.

Pain Causes

When summertime comes around, there are a few injuries we commonly treat including:

  • Knee Injuries – More time spent participating in outdoor activities can lead to muscle imbalances in the legs, which results in injury and knee pain.

  • Plantar Fasciitis – Located on the bottom of the foot, the plantar fascia can become injured when people do a lot of activity involving running or walking.

  • Rotator Cuff Injury – The rotator cuff is located in the shoulder and helps the arm rotate. In the summertime especially, repetitive movements like those involved in gardening, swimming, or playing sports can cause injury to the rotator cuff which makes movement painful.

It’s hard to ignore the call to get outside and get active when the summer sun is shining, but keep in mind that all that increased activity makes your risk for injury and pain that much higher. At Bird Chiropractic, we can help keep your body properly aligned, reducing your risk of injury and helping your body to heal naturally should you become injured from summertime pains.

How Bird Chiropractic Can Help

At Bird Chiropractic, one of our most important jobs is keeping your body at its best. This is accomplished through a number of different methods including:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments – These gentle and effective adjustments remove joint dysfunction and restriction to help your body function optimally. Adjustments help improve mobility, relax tight muscles, and help your body recover from injury.

  • Exercise – Exercise is critical to your health and wellness, and there are some specific exercises and stretches that can help your condition improve and prevent future injury. Dr. Brandon Bird can suggest stretches and exercises unique to your needs.

  • Nutrition – Healthy snacking may seem easy in the summer with all the delicious fruits and vegetables in season, but are you really eating well-rounded meals? What about drinking enough water? To better understand how important nutrition is for your overall health and wellness, just ask during your next adjustment.

Lifestyle – Lifestyle changes don’t have to HUGE. Sometimes it’s just as simple and small change to habits and behaviors that can improve your overall health and help you avoid injury and your local Voorhees Township chiropractor can help.

To stay healthy this summer, start with an appointment at Bird Chiropractic. Click here to make yours today!