Let's Talk About Text Neck


In today’s world, we are constantly using technology and it’s only increased as we spend more time social distancing. And so, a new phenomenon has emerged: text neck. Text neck, or tech neck, is a condition that affects the placement and alignment of the neck and comes with some serious health risks. Here’s what you need to know.

What is text neck?

Text neck is a condition that results from continuous use of electronic devices and causes pain and discomfort in the neck. In some cases, it even results in injury. Text neck comes from the way a person holds their neck and head when using devices like cell phones, thus the name text neck. When your neck is constantly held in a bent position, it is a recipe for injury.

What are text neck symptoms?

Text neck symptoms include:

  • Headaches

  • Pain in the shoulders

  • Upper back pain

  • Slight curvature of the spine

It’s pretty to surprising to think all these symptoms stem from the use of a device. The severity of these depends on each individual, as does treatment and care plans.

How is text neck treated?

Fortunately, there are many solutions when it comes to text neck. The best place to start is by spending less time looking down at your phone or electronic device. You can also start practicing neck stretches throughout the day to alleviate tension and reduce pain, which we’ll be happy to suggest during your next adjustment. The next solution is – no surprise – chiropractic care. Because text neck often causes curvature of the spine and other misalignments, chiropractic can provide much-needed relief. At Bird Chiropractic, we use spinal adjustments to properly align the spine and promote health.

It’s not likely that we will stop using our cell phones any time soon, so be sure to follow these tips and make chiropractic part of your healthcare routine to combat text neck. This will help eliminate pain and keep your spine aligned. To learn more about how your local Voorhees Township chiropractor can help you, click here to contact us.