Stay Active this Holiday Season

This time of year always seems to be busy! Whether it’s attending holiday gatherings, school events, shopping, or travel, exercise often gets put on the back burner during the holiday season. Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy and active during the holidays. 

Plan Your Week

If you know your week is packed and you can’t get to your regularly scheduled workouts, make a plan and reschedule them whenever possible. If you absolutely can’t make it work, try to get in a brisk walk around the neighborhood or a quick stretch session.

Also aim to make more movement focused choices throughout the day, like parking far away from the store entrance or taking the stairs whenever possible 

Move More

Speaking of moving more, there are tons of small changes you can make throughout your day to incorporate more movement. You can do calf raises while you brush your teeth or are standing in line. Those heavy shopping and grocery bags can be used as weights for a few bicep curls. And while you’re vacuuming, practice a few walking lunges. It may seem silly, but every little bit of movement will help your body feel its best. 

Make it a Family Affair

Whether family is coming in from out of town or you are sticking to your own household this holiday season, you can get the whole family involved in moving more. Get everyone together for a morning hike or after-dinner walk. It’s a great way to bond, spend time together, and stay active. 

Get Adjusted at Bird Chiropractic

Staying active can be hard to do at any time, let alone during the holiday season. If you are managing back pain or immobility, it can be even harder. Regular chiropractic care can help keep your spine in great health and treat and prevent issues like neck pain, back pain, and lack of joint mobility. To schedule an adjustment with your local Voorhees chiropractor, just click here.