Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving Holiday


Thanksgiving is finally here and despite this year’s challenges, there is much to be thankful for. Many of us use this time to reflect and give thanks, but it is also a day centered on food! Perhaps you usually help yourself to an extra portion (or two) of sweet potato casserole or mashed potatoes and gravy and then head over to the couch for a nap after overindulging. If that sounds familiar and you are left feeling tired and groggy, you may want to try a few of our tips for a healthier holiday. 

Fast Before You Feast? Think Again!

You’ve heard it before and it still holds true – breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Even if you plan on enjoying a huge Thanksgiving meal later, it’s still important to start the day with a well-rounded breakfast. Not only will you feel more energized during the day, but it can also actually help keep portions smaller later on in the evening because you haven’t been starving your body. We suggest starting with fruit and Greek yogurt or a veggie omelet. 

Don’t Make the Move from Table to Couch

We know turkey leaves people feeling sleepy, but don’t make it harder to stay away by going straight from the table to the couch. Start a new tradition and get everyone to go for a walk after your big meal to boost energy and get your digestive system going. Even if it’s a short walk, that movement will help you feel better both physically and emotionally.  

Make Some Healthy Substitutions

Part of the reason so many of us love Thanksgiving is the traditional dishes. We aren’t suggesting you don’t enjoy your favorites, but you can make a few healthy swaps. Mashed cauliflower is a great alternative to mashed potatoes and using fresh vegetables and fruits will provide a more nutrient-rich dish than prepackaged goods. 

The holidays are a time for indulgence so don’t feel guilty about enjoying your favorite foods with your loved ones. But by following these suggestions, you and your family can enjoy a healthier and happy holiday. To help promote improved health and wellness during the holiday season, click here to request an appointment with your local