How Staying Hydrated Helps with Spinal Health

You’re probably aware that staying hydrated is important, but as the sweltering months of summer get started, it’s especially important to drink plenty of water. Here’s why hydration is so important to the health of your spine and body.

Hydration and Your Body

Did you know that your body is made up of 60-65% water? Most body functions rely on proper hydration to operate at their best and every single cell requires water. Water does many things including:

  • Moistens tissues (think your mouth, nose, and eyes)

  • Carries oxygen and nutrients to cells

  • Provides proper joint lubrication

  • Protects body organs and tissues

  • Makes minerals and nutrients more accessible to the body by helping dissolve them

  • Regulates body temperature

  • Helps increase ease of bowel movements and prevents constipation

  • Assists in the metabolism process (important for those looking to lose weight and/or increase energy)

  • Flushes out waste products in the kidney and liver 

The list, in actuality, is a lot longer than this but these very important functions highlight how water helps the body function, giving you an idea of just how important it is to stay hydrated.

Hydration and Your Spine

A healthy and well-functioning spine requires proper hydration. The discs in the spine are made up mostly of water, but they aren’t able to absorb water like the rest of the body. So, in order to get water and nutrients, the discs rely on a process called imbibition. Imbibition can only occur when there is proper motion between the joints surrounding each specific disc. This motion creates a pump-like effect and the nutrients are moved in and out of the disc. So, adequate hydration is necessary for nutrient delivery.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

Most people follow the old saying that you should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. But, each body is different as is activity levels and conditions. A simple rule to follow is to drink half your body weight in ounces each day. So, if you weight 160 pounds, you should drink about 80 ounces each day. Keep in mind that if you are partaking in strenuous activity or consume fluids like coffee and alcohol (which can dehydrate the body), take that into account when determining your daily water intake.

Chiropractic Care at Bird Chiropractic

Restrictions in the spine or misalignments can impair the imbibition process and impede the nutrient supply to the disc. When the discs don’t get the water and nutrients they need, it can lead to disc degeneration, instability, and spinal decay. The decline in spinal health doesn’t just hurt your back but can decrease the functioning of the central nervous system, therefore affecting every cell, structure, organ, and system in your body. A lack of proper hydration impacts the health of the disc, the spine, and eventually the entire body. With regular chiropractic care at your local Voorhees Township chiropractor, Dr. Brandon Bird corrects subluxations and properly aligns the spine to improve the imbibition process and the body’s ability to absorb water.

To help your body be as healthy as possible this summer, start with proper hydration and chiropractic. Click here to schedule an adjustment today!